Feng Shui XR: Instantly identify and correct Feng Shui imbalances in any bedroom with just a glance.
The Pitch :
Feng Shui XR is an avant-garde mixed reality application tailored for interior designers seeking to seamlessly integrate the principles of Feng Shui into modern spaces. Upon entering a room, designers can effortlessly assess furnishings through gaze and pinch interactions, receiving real-time feedback on their Feng Shui compatibility. The bed not positioned right? The app highlights it instantly. Moreover, it offers the capability to virtually introduce additional objects, such as plants and mirrors, to enhance a room's energy flow. Lighting adjustments? With just a gesture, modify both intensity and warmth, or visualize wall colors aligned with Feng Shui principles. Launching initially with a focus on bedrooms, Feng Shui XR blends ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology, making balanced and harmonious room designs more accessible and engaging than ever.
Main idea :
Smart home, is not about the tech. It is about embedding the techs so that your living environment feels better, and I belive it is possible to combine technology and feng shui
Prompt :
Using gaze / pinch interaction and MR to assess and Adjust the Fengshui of ones house.
Mood Board :
Figma Link : https://www.figma.com/file/Dxg2r34xKQlMisUHX61gbw/Feng-Shui-XR?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=fhVkE12JTxr0lj0Y-1
ShapeXR link :
Original Assignement
Youtube Link : https://youtube.com/shorts/3uzVHmZyw3g?feature=share
ShapeXR Link : https://shapes.app/space/view/2121449b-c152-4800-8cf2-42784b32b83e/xd7e99c3